Meeting with VinEco team at Hanoi for business collaboration
MoU between PIL & Melaka Biotechnology corporation.2
MoU between PIL & Melaka Biotechnology corporation
MoU signing with ICAR, Govt. of India
Network meeting with KTIS Group, Thailand
Opening new facility to serve farmers by Dr.William Dar
Operational team at Prathista-1
Operational team at Prathista-2
PIL team with USA deligate
Prathista establishments witnessed by Mr Rajasekharaiah, CEO - IFFCO for possible collaboration
Prathista honoured with International achievers award by Indo - US chamber of commerce & Achievers forum on 15th June 2016
Prathista long term collaboration with ICAR
Prathista long term collaboration with ICAR-2
Prathista Phil in Ghana and Indian High commissioner launched Prathista Third Generation nutritional fertilizers
Prathista producst demonstration on sugar cane crop